
Cliptopia is a state-of-the-art clipboard management software for the linux desktops that turns your simple clipboard into a full-fledged High Voltage power house High Voltage

Cliptopia watches not only your texts but also any emojis, colors, commands, web images, screenshots or any local file/directory that you copy and then, it provides a full-fledged powerful interface supporting advanced searching and filtering which even allows you to search any image that you have copied. Believe me, this is just the tip of the features Cliptopia provides out of the box.

As the names goes Cliptopia, it is all about your clipboard, but in the sense of vast land which is full of features that provides you a clipboard experience in the best ever form out there.


Memo Cliptopia supports commenting on clipboard items
Rescue Worker’s Helmet Clipboard Content Protection Mechanism
Crossed Fingers Handy set of shortcuts to toggle sensitive data
Magnifying Glass Tilted Left Regex mode content filtering
Goggles Go Incognito with just a click of a toggle
Dvd An intelligent cache management system
Open File Folder File extension mode searching
Desert Protecting your clipboard contents from being accidentally displayed during screen sharing
Calendar Filtering Items by Date
Heart Exclamation Finding Items by comments
Rainbow Filtering Images on the basis of aspect ratios
Radioactive Displaying images from copied files
Compass Compositor independent content injection (even if your desktop environment doesn't supports virtual-keyboard-protocol cliptopia never fails to work Rocket)
Lady Beetle Built-in App Bug Report Generation
Warning Built-in issues identification panel
Umbrella on Ground Command execution right from the User Interface
Smiling Face with Sunglasses Fully Compositor Independent (No matter if it is X11 or Wayland, Cliptopia rocks)
And a very attractive custom User Interface Heart Exclamation
See  The Daemon , to explore more features.

Please note that Cliptopia is in beta until a stable version releases, which is expected to be released by the end of this month.


Right now, you can only install cliptopia from source

Before that you need the following commands available in your linux distribution ...
java 17 or above (data injection is done using Java's Robot API)
and optionally flutter 3.16 or above if you are installing from source.

Yes, Cliptopia is written entirely using Flutter, thus, it compiles to native and delivers lightening fast performance as your other apps.

Installing Cliptopia is a very easy and fast process ...
Just Clone the Repo from my GitHub Account
git clone
move into the cloned repo
cd cliptopia
and run the  script to install from source
Running the above there commands in sequence will install cliptopia on your machine.
If you have already installed cliptopia, running the above commands will result in manually updating your installation.

Keyboard Shortcut

Then, you need to add a custom keyboard shortcut to invoke Cliptopia in Power Mode ...

Updates (soon)

Cliptopia will have a built-in update system, so, when a new release arrives, your installation will automatically notify you about it.

Uninstallation (soon)

Cliptopia will even offer an in-app uninstall feature to uninstall cliptopia from your system in case you want a fresh install.
Till then, you can uninstall by running the  script.

Screenshot Gallery